title="Farmborough Parish Council in Somerset">

NewsMon, 17th February 2025


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   Farmborough Parish Council Budget and Precept 2025-2026    30 January, 2025

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax. The Parish Council incurs expenditure and raises income in order to provide its services.

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   Notice of conclusion of the 2023-24 audit    24 September, 2024

The official notice of conclusion of the 2023-24 audit of the Parish Council accounts.

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   Section 137 Grants - 2025/2026    17 September, 2024

Section 137 Grant Application forms for 2025/2026 are available to download or are available from the Parish Clerk.

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   Roadworks around Farmborough    23 March, 2024
Update regarding the roadworks around A39/Timsbury Road.
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   Local Plan Options Consultation    20 March, 2024

The Local Plan Options consultation period has been extended until Tuesday 16 April to offer people more time to register their opinions.

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   Farmborough Parish Council Budget and Precept 2024-2025    1 March, 2024

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax. The Parish Council incurs expenditure and raises income in order to provide its services.

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   Somer Valley Links - have your say    28 June, 2023

Help shape plans for transport in the Somer Valley along the A37, A362 and the A367.

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As a local elector, or an interested person, you have certain legal rights in respect of the accounting records of smaller authorities. As an interested person you can inspect accounting records and related documents. If you are a local government elector for the area to which the accounts relate you can also ask questions about the accounts and object to them. You do not have to pay directly for exercising your rights. However, any resulting costs incurred by the smaller authority form part of its running costs. Therefore, indirectly, local residents pay for the cost of you exercising your rights through their council tax.

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   Result of Uncontested Election (Farmborough Parish Council)    5 April, 2023

Election of Councillors for Farmborough Parish Council

Result of Uncontested Election

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   Notice of Poll and Statement of Persons Nominated (Farmborough Parish Council)    4 April, 2023

Election of councillors to Farmborough Parish Council

Notice of Poll and Statement of Persons Nominated

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   Notice of Election - Bath and North East Somerset    20 March, 2023

Notice of Election

Bath & North East Somerset Council Election of Councillors

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   Notice of Election - Parish Council    20 March, 2023

Notice of Election

Parish and Town Councils in Bath and North East Somerset Election of Councillors

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   Notice of Vacancy - Parish Councillor    8 March, 2023

Farmborough Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

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   Vacancy for Part-time Parish Clerk/RFO - apply now!    7 March, 2023

Exciting Opportunity - Part-time Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer range £24,496 to £29,439 pro rata

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   Parish and town council elections - 4 May 2023    3 March, 2023

Virtual briefing invite and nomination pack for candidates standing at the parish and town council elections on Thursday 4 May.

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   Farmborough Parish Council Budget and Precept 2023-2024    1 March, 2023

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax. The Parish Council incurs expenditure and raises income in order to provide its services.

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   Photo ID needed to vote at May elections    14 February, 2023
On Thursday 4 May 2023 local elections are taking place in Bath and North East Somerset. Changes to legislation mean that voters will need to show photo ID when voting in person at a polling station.
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   Parish Council meeting cancelled.    13 September, 2022

Parish Council meeting due to be held 13/09/2022 has been cancelled.

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   Farmborough Annual Parish Meeting - 28 April 2022    19 April, 2022

The Farmborough Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 28 April 2022 at 7.30pm in the Farmborough Memorial Hall.

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   Funding for community events to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee    14 March, 2022

Funding for community events to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held in the Memorial Hall    8 June, 2021

The meeting of Farmborough Parish Council on Tuesday 08 June 2021 will be held in the Farmborough Memorial Hall.

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   Farmborough Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 27 April 2021    27 April, 2021

The Farmborough Annual Parish Meeting will be held via Zoom on 27 April 2021 at 19.30pm.

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   No Parish Council meeting on 13 April 2021    13 April, 2021

We are unable to hold a Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 13 April 2021.

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   WERN Village Agent    8 March, 2021

Maria Edwards is the local Village Agent for the West of England Rural Network (WERN).

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    8 March, 2021

The next meeting of Farmborough Parish Council will be held remotely via Zoom in accordance with the current guidelines.

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   Annual Parish Meeting will be held virtually    8 March, 2021

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held virtually.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    5 February, 2021

The next meeting of Farmborough Parish Council will be held remotely via Zoom in accordance with the current guidelines.


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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    12 January, 2021

Parish Council meeting to be held virtually - 12 January 2021, 7.30pm

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    8 December, 2020

December's Parish Council meeting will be held virtually.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually.    3 November, 2020

Novembers's Parish Council meeting will be held virtually.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    4 October, 2020

October's Parish Council meeting will be held virtually.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    7 September, 2020

The Parish Council meeting in September will be held virtually via Zoom.

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   Special Planning meeting to be held in August    4 August, 2020

Farmborough PC will hold a special planning meeting, via Zoom in August.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    21 July, 2020

The Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 21 July 2020 will be held virtually via Zoom.

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   No August meeting    19 July, 2020

No Parish Council meeting to be held in August 2020.

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   Parish Council meeting to be held virtually    5 May, 2020

The meeting of Farmborough Parish Council due to be held on Tuesday 12 May 2020 will be held virtually on Zoom.

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   CORONAVIRUS UPDATE    23 March, 2020

Coronavirus Update from Farmborough Parish Council

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   Important Contact Information    23 March, 2020

Important Contact Information

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   Change of date for July Parish Council Meeting    17 February, 2020
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   No August meeting    17 February, 2020

No Parish Council meeting will be held in August 2020

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   Annual Parish Meeting    17 February, 2020

The Annual Parish meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 April 2020

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   Farmborough Memorial Hall - Caretaker/Cleaner required    15 October, 2019

Farmborough Memorial Hall requires a new Caretaker/Cleaner from January 2020.

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   No August meeting    23 July, 2019

Please note there will be no meeting of Farmborough Parish Council in August 2019. The next meeting will be held on 10 September 2019, at 19.30 in The Memorial Hall.

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   Vacancies on the Parish Council    15 May, 2019

We have vacancies on the Parish Council for enthusiastic and comminity minded people to come and join the Parish Council.

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   Memorial Hall Quiz    19 January, 2019

Memorial Hall Quiz Night 2019

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   Bus service 179    8 January, 2019

Are you very unhappy with the decision taken by First to withdraw the 179 bus service to Bath?

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   New telephone number for Parish Clerk    1 November, 2018
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   No Parish Council meeting will be held in August 2018    14 August, 2018

No Parish Council meeting will be held in August 2018



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   Memorial Hall Quiz Night    27 January, 2018

The Memorial Hall will be holding its annual Quiz Night on Saturday 27 January 2018 at the Hall and are looking for teams of 6-8 people to join in and support fund raising for the Hall.


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   Vacancy on Parish Council    25 October, 2016

We have a vacancy on the Parish Council for an enthusiastic, community minded person to come and join the Parish Council.

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   Timsbury One Step Day    19 May, 2016

The mobile library will be visiting the Conygre Hall in Timsbury on Thursday 19 May 2016 for an extended time period from 11.30am to 16.30pm, and will include other partners and services with a range of advice and information.


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