title="Farmborough Parish Council in Somerset">

NewsMon, 17th February 2025

News  »  Farmborough Parish Council Budget and Precept 2024-2025

   Farmborough Parish Council Budget and Precept 2024-2025    1 March, 2024

​The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax. The Parish Council incurs expenditure and raises income in order to provide its services.

This year there will be a decrease in the annual precept charged and applied to your council tax — the Parish Council has cut administration costs while continuing to fund completion of the building work at the Pavilion. This equates to an annual charge of £66.76 for a Band D property (around £1.28 per week).

Further details of Farmborough Parish Council's budget calculations and a breakdown of how the precept will be spent are available to download:

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